As a person begins to advance themselves in their relationship with Allah ﷻ, they begin to realize the importance of earning the pleasure of Allah ﷻ and they begin taking steps in order to achieve that goal. As a result of this effort, they begin to earn the pleasure of Allah ﷻ. But in order for a person to achieve the pinnacle of this relationship, their focus must go beyond simply pleasing Allah ﷻ, but also being pleased with Allah ﷻ. We should be 100% pleased with our Lord. The Prophet ﷺ reminded us that a believer should regularly recite three statements three times in the morning and evening: “I am pleased with Allah ﷻ as my Lord, I am pleased with Islam as my deen, and I am pleased with Muhammad ﷺ as my prophet and messenger.” Whoever does so, Allah ﷻ will be pleased with them on the Day of Judgment. These statements remind us of our focus in life. Interestingly, these are the exact three questions we will be asked in our graves: Who is your Lord? What is your way of life? Who was the individual who was sent to you as a messenger? If we can wake up each morning and go to bed each night and accept these three things, we have succeeded.
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