As humans, we spend a good amount of time building our relationships with our friends. We seek, and often find, good qualities in them, but a quality that is nearly impossible to find in another person is one of unconditional love. This is because human beings can only tolerate a certain amount of transgression from one another. However, Allah ﷻ has unconditional love for His believers. The proof of this is outlined in many verses of the Qur’an. Allah ﷻ’s desire for us to succeed is far greater than our own desire to do so, and we see this in the numerous mercies He has given us. For example, Allah ﷻ has given us the gift of Laylat-ul Qadr, or the Night of Power, every single year, so that He may forgive a lifetime’s worth of our sins — this is only due to His mercy and love for us. When we feel like we have transgressed so badly that Allah ﷻ will not love us anymore, we must remember the vastness of His mercy. Allah ﷻ has mercy for us unlike that of any of our friends, and even our own parents. Even when He reprimands us, He does so out of love for us and as a reminder so that we may benefit from it and change for the better.

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