Following the sunnah, or the example of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has tremendous benefits for the believer. Allah ﷻ explains in the Qur’an that whoever follows the footsteps of the Messenger ﷺ, they will gain the love of Allah ﷻ. The more sunnah that a believer implements, the more Allah ﷻ falls in love with them, as do the angels and the inhabitants of the heavens and earth — for whomever Allah ﷻ loves, the angels and creation love, and whomever Allah ﷻ hates, the angels and creation hate. The one whom Allah ﷻ hates will never find peace or calmness in their life, but the one whom Allah ﷻ loves will taste the sweetness of faith — following the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ can allow the believer to taste this sweetness. The Prophet ﷺ said to hold on to the sunnah with the strongest muscles of your body (i.e. the molar teeth). Therefore, the believer should do whatever they can to preserve the sunnah of the Messenger ﷺ and bring as much of his sunnah as they can into their lives.

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