If an individual desires to receive a doctorate degree, which is a measure of success in this life, they must undergo a thorough editing process of their dissertation so that it may pass an evaluation by a committee. The researcher seeks to make their work impeccable to the extent that no mistake, slip up, false conclusion, or weak argument can be held against them when they defend their dissertation. Similarly, if a believer is serious about their success in the hereafter, they should regularly be editing their book of deeds, which is continuously being written from maturity until death, as this will be the only measure of success on the Day of Judgement. This editing should occur in three stages. The first stage is a personal editing that involves reviewing one’s deeds daily and seeking forgiveness for the mistakes which occurred. The second is to peer edit, or have good company that will help be an example and resource for improving one’s state and deeds. The third stage is a professional review, or to have a qualified and experienced scholar review your actions and inner state to make sure your deeds are proper and you are on the path toward success.

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