Allah ﷻ has created various relationships for us, and through understanding the responsibility of these relationships, we maximize our benefit from the deen of Islam. For example, if a scholar resides in our area, it is the responsibility of the community to benefit from that scholar to their fullest capacity, as this is an opportunity created by Allah ﷻ. If the community instead chooses to bypass that scholar and turn to other opportunities and scholars abroad, they will lose out on the opportunity of benefit that Allah ﷻ has created for that community. If we do not recognize where our benefit lies, we are bound to fail in receiving a full benefit. One essential relationship that we need to properly understand is our relationship with our parents. Allah ﷻ and the Prophet ﷺ have outlined the rank that our parents have. Unfortunately, many often see their parents as a hinderance to their deen, thinking that their parents are not letting them practice Islam the way they are supposed to. But in reality our parents are one of the great conduits of benefit in our deen. Through honoring one’s parents, being of service to them, and earning their contentment, we attain nearness to Allah ﷻ faster than through any other method. The pleasure of Allah ﷻ is in the pleasure of the parents.

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