Suhbah, or physical company of the righteous, is vital to a believer’s progression, but circumstances arise at times that prevent a believer from attaining it. Being deprived of suhbah, however, does not necessarily mean that one will be devoid of its positive effects. This is perhaps best highlighted in the example of Uwais Al-Qarni, may Allah ﷻ have mercy on him: although he lived at the time of the Prophet ﷺ, he was unable to come into the suhbah of Rasulullah ﷺ due to his responsibilities, yet the Prophet ﷺ made note of Uwais’s high rank with Allah ﷻ because of the sacrifices he made. From this we learn that although certain responsibilities may at times prevent us from benefiting from the suhbah of righteous people or righteous gatherings, we can potentially still receive the same benefit if we remain patient, continue to strive, and maintain hope in Allah ﷻ.

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