When a relative or close friend visits us after a long absence, we eagerly anticipate their arrival, and welcome them with open arms and excitement. Part of this response is because, firstly, it has been so long since we last saw them, and secondly, they often bring special gifts with them to share.

The believer similarly anticipates, prepares for, and welcomes Ramadan on its arrival. It is a guest that comes only once a year, and it brings gifts that far outweigh any other gift that anyone could offer. For example, from the moment that Ramadan enters, the gates of Paradise are swung open, the gates of the Hellfire are closed shut, and the Shayateen are locked up. What more could a believer ask for? Given these immense blessings, the believer naturally longs for Ramadan, prepares beforehand, and actively welcomes the month right from its initial start. If we approach its entry with this attitude, we are more likely to take advantage of its entirety.

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