When the forecast predicts a major snowstorm, people actively prepare for its ramifications — they will go out of their way to purchase a surplus of groceries and provisions out of fear that they will not be able to easily access those things after the storm hits. We prepare for the mere possibility of difficulty in this life, yet, for some reason, neglect to prepare for the Day of Judgement, which is guaranteed to occur and will be far more difficult than any difficulty of this life. The Companions were fearful of their accounting to come in the Hereafter, so they prepared and collected appropriate provisions for it. What provisions have we stockpiled for the Hereafter?
A snowstorm is sufficient to alter the behavior of an entire society and completely disrupt a complex system – schools and offices are closed, travel is inhibited, and many normal activities are shut down. If we collectively tried to interrupt a society in this way, let alone close down even a single school system, it would be nearly or entirely impossible. Yet, it is so easy for Allah ﷻ to completely disrupt a system — He has ownership over everything. No protest, revolt, barrier, or preparation can prevent or block a snowstorm. Difficulties in this life remind us that Allah ﷻ is the one in charge.
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