As a person begins to progress in their relationship with Allah ﷻ, they first begin to appreciate the blessings of Allah ﷻ. The next sign of progression is that a person begins to recognize their progress has only been possible because of Allah ﷻ. Even the effort a person makes toward improving themselves is only because of the tawfeeq, or assistance, of Allah ﷻ. Allah ﷻ says in the Quran, “Had it not been for the bounty and mercy of Allah, not a single one of you would have ever been purified.” Every opportunity that unfolded which allowed us to benefit, even the ability and desire to attend gatherings of remembrance, came from Allah ﷻ. He did not need to guide us or assist us, and our efforts alone would certainly not have allowed us to accomplish anything. Allah ﷻ makes this clear in the Qur’an when He says, “Rather, Allah purifies whomever He wills.” The initial purification from not believing to believing was Allah’s will, as was every subsequent step thereafter.


Allah ﷻ also states: “And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” Not only does He hear the utterances of the tongue, He also hears when the heart is speaking. Allah is Al-Samee’ — He listens, independent of sound. If your heart desires to be purified, Allah ﷻ will hear this desire. We should therefore ensure that our hearts are always calling upon Allah ﷻ and desiring Allah ﷻ and His assistance.
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