Everyone has an innate desire to be remembered by those they love, and successful relationships are those in which two people remember one another frequently. When spouses remember each other during their day, or old friends remember one another despite distance, it develops that relationship which makes it meaningful. The most important relationship we have is our relationship with Allah ﷻ. It is the longest relationship we have, as it spans back to before we were even born on this earth — Allah ﷻ created our souls and placed them into the wombs of our mothers. The key to building that relationship is through remembrance; the more we remember Allah ﷻ, the stronger our relationship with Him will be. And this is something Allah ﷻ appreciates, as He says in the Qur’an: “Remember Me, and I will remember you.” But Allah ﷻ also warns against forgetting Him, when He says: “Do not become like those who forgot Allah, so [consequently] Allah caused them to forget themselves.” Allah ﷻ does not benefit whatsoever from our worship or remembrance, but it is us who are dependent on it. We should dedicate time in our day to sitting, reflecting and remembering Allah ﷻ as abundantly as we can, as this will strengthen our relationship with Him, and will only be for our own benefit.