Allah ﷻ states in the Qur’an, “Had it not been for the bounty and mercy of Allah upon you, not a single one of you would have ever been purified.” Allah ﷻ is the One who created the notion in our minds to improve ourselves and our relationship with Him. This initial point, along with each subsequent step taken, should be attributed solely to Him. If Allah ﷻ did not guide us to recognizing and improving our relationship with Him, and did not grant us the tools and means to draw closer to Him, we would be utterly lost. The moment we begin to attribute any of this to ourselves, we display ingratitude, which could lead to our doom.


The ultimate way to showing appreciation for this gift of guidance is to share the knowledge our teachers have given us with those around us. The best way to earn the prayers of our teachers, the means that Allah ﷻ used to grant us guidance, is to carry their burden on our shoulders. This will attract their prayers and attention far more than through any other means, as the ultimate desire of our scholars and masha’ikh is that the message of the Prophet ﷺ permeate the entire world. The more we take part in this, the more prayers we will earn from our teachers, and the closer we will get to Allah ﷻ.
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