Upon reflection, we will come to realize that the root of all evil and problems in our lives, and the world at large, are two-fold: Shaytan (the Devil, whose purpose in life is to whisper, deceive and misguide) and the nafs (base desires of a human being). When we experience challenges in our interaction with others, particularly in those whom we intend to benefit, we must recognize that behind them is their own individual Shaytan and nafs. We must first evaluate our own spiritual state, and where we are in our battle with our base desires and the whispers of Shaytan, if we seek to bring benefit to others. The Prophet ﷺ and the Companions were able to effectuate change in others, not simply through their words, but through the purity of their states due to the stronghold they had over their nafs and Shaytan. If we work to accomplish the same, then we will see positive changes in ourselves and in those whom we seek to benefit.
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