Everyone seeks true, lasting friendship in this life. Yet we find that the friends we make at different points in our lives rarely accompany us into the subsequent stages. Our bonds and relationships are always changing; friends come and friends go. However, our bond with Allah ﷻ is the only friendship that will last forever, throughout this life and into the next life — Allah ﷻ has always been there for us and will always be there, through the good and the bad. There are certain times during the year that are dedicated to building and growing this friendship with Allah ﷻ, and the month of Dhul Hijjah is one of those times. In the days of Dhul Hijjah, millions of people throughout the world are invited by Allah ﷻ to perform Hajj at His house, so they can rekindle their connection and friendship with Allah ﷻ. Even for those who are not participating in the Hajj, these special days of Dhul Hijjah enable us reconnect with Allah ﷻ and build our bond of friendship with Him.

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