There are often two approaches found when it comes to a person’s relationship with Islam . The first type of relationship is built around fear, where a person fears the punishment of Allah ﷻ if they do not follow the commands of Allah ﷻ or the Messenger ﷺ. The second type, however, is built on a deep love for Allah ﷻ, which motivates a person to fulfill His commands and avoid His prohibitions. Both of these approaches are good and necessary, and either one can potentially lead a person to Paradise. However, a relationship built on love for Allah ﷻ is far more conducive to success than one built on fear alone. When a person loves Allah ﷻ, fulfilling His commands will never feel like a burden, but instead a source of pleasure, and often allows a person much more consistency in their relationship with Allah ﷻ. There are two components to developing a love for Allah ﷻ in one’s heart. Firstly, to abundantly engage in dhikr and remember Allah ﷻ frequently, as the more a person interacts with something, the more the love of it permeates their heart. The second is to spend time in the company of those who truly love Allah ﷻ — when an individual spends time in the company of a person who is passionate about something, that passion often transfers over; spending time with those who love Allah ﷻ will hopefully allow the passion that emanates from their hearts to enter ours, as well.

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