A sign that a person has spiritually matured is that they begin to understand that everything that happens in this world is because of Allah ﷻ. This is part of our faith. Often, when someone behaves inappropriately with us, or a calamity hits us, we immediately ascribe the cause of the situation to the parties involved. However, a believer recognizes that the true cause of this occurrence or calamity is Allah ﷻ, as He is in charge of every single thing — Allah ﷻ was responsible for us before we were born, is responsible while we are here, and will be responsible after we leave this world. Ultimately everything will return back to Allah ﷻ. When a person becomes spiritually mature, everything they interact with reminds them of Allah ﷻ. When something good happens to us, we attribute it to Allah ﷻ and not our own efforts, and when a difficulty befalls us, we recognize it is a test directly from Allah ﷻ. This may be easy to understand intellectually, but the reality of this understanding must set itself within our hearts, which requires regular remembrance and reflection of Allah ﷻ. Through this consistent dhikr, a person will spiritually grow and mature in their understanding that everything comes from Allah ﷻ and everything will return back to Him.

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