Human beings naturally have a desire to be recognized and selected first for a position, such as for a job or a member on a sports team. Similarly, as believers, we too should desire to be chosen first, particularly when the inhabitants of Paradise will be selected. The Prophet ﷺ informed us that the first group of people to be called toward paradise on the Day of Judgement will be those that praised and thanked Allah ﷻ both in times of difficulty and ease. The individual that is reflective of Allah ﷻ, thanks Him, and raises His name regardless of the circumstances they are in, Allah ﷻ will select them first to enter into His Paradise.

During times of ease (financial security, good health and safety, things just happen to be going our way, etc.) we should immediately thank Allah ﷻ and attribute all of our blessings to Him. When difficulty befalls us, we should immediately say, “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un” (To Allah everything belongs and to Allah everything will return). Irrespective of the circumstances, we must always respond with gratitude to Allah ﷻ.

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