Every individual will eventually meet with Allah ﷻ and be questioned about their actions. This meeting will occur on the Day of Judgement and will be the most important meeting of our lives, in which we will not be presenting our physical bodies, but rather our hearts. The one who will be successful on that day is not the one with wealth or children, but the one with a sound heart. Throughout the course of our lives we commit sins which cause our hearts to become darkened; if we do not purify our hearts in this world through effort, then the fire of hell will purify them, which will be much more difficult route. Allah ﷻ has given us the opportunity to purify our hearts in this world through seeking forgiveness, or istighfar, which the Prophet ﷺ used to do at least seventy times per day. We will make mistakes throughout the day, but the goal is to repent to Allah ﷻ immediately so there are no traces of this left on our hearts. If we cannot recall particular sins, then we should seek forgiveness for the moments in which we did not remember Allah ﷻ. Allah ﷻ has also given us the opportunity to decorate our hearts in this world through the dhikr of Allah ﷻ with our tongues and our hearts. In this way we can present a sound and adorned heart to Allah ﷻ on the Day of Judgement.

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