By substituting a long-term reward with a short-term reward (i.e. reward substitution), we may better enable ourselves to achieve our goals in deen.

As human beings, we struggle to act in a manner that aligns with our long-term goals, as its benefit is not readily apparent to us. For example, if we set a goal that will provide us benefit in 5 years, we struggle and succumb to temptation that would bring a mere short-term benefit. One way to bypass this challenge is by creating a system that rewards short-term behaviors that benefit us in the long-term.

As believers, our long-term encompasses another life i.e. the akhirah. The rewards that are present in jannah are not perceivable in this moment. As a result, we tend to behave in ways that please our nafs (desires) as we are rewarded immediately, even though it may ultimately be of detriment. 

But, by designing systems that provide a short-term reward, we can motivate ourselves to perform righteous deeds and refrain from sin — i.e. behaviors that are aligned with our long-term goal — and earn the pleasure of Allah ﷻ.

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