In multiple verses of Qur’an, Allah ﷻ affirms that He will reward the doer of good with rewards in this world and in the Hereafter. So when a believer engages in the remembrance of Allah, his reward is twofold: the openness of the heart and delight of the soul in this life, and eternal satisfaction in the Hereafter. In contrast, heedlessness of Allah not only begets narrowness and sadness of the heart in this world, but also eternal suffering in the Hereafter.
Our righteous elders encountered the most trying ordeals. Yet through the dhikr of Allah that they cultivated within their hearts, they were able to face their challenges unfazed and exhibit the sunnah of positivity and gratitude regardless of the circumstance. Worldly imprisonment was inconsequential to them; true imprisonment was that of the heart, caged hopelessly from the recognition of Allah. Their connection with the Divine bred such strength and tranquility that it dispelled unease even from the hearts of those who happened to sit silently in their company. It is important to note that when we sit with our elders and our teachers, we must be careful never to disrespect them by discrediting the benefit we have received from them simply because we disagree with something they have said.
Abundant dhikr allows us to taste the fragrance and coolness of Jannah in this world; the experiences of i’tikaf and visiting the Sacred Lands reflect glimpses of such heavenly contentment. Being attached to this world causes us to leave this life without partaking of the sweetest blessing of knowing Allah. A heart full of the love of Allah is subsequently able to emanate a light that transforms the lives of those around it into a heaven as well. A heart that is dead estranges others from Allah. Once we experience the expansiveness and satisfaction of remembering Allah, it is our responsibility to share this benefit by guiding others towards Allah. If our efforts are met with repeated resistance, we should leave that individual in the hands of those with stronger iman and continue on our personal journey towards Allah.
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