This session continues the discussion regarding the benefits of dhikr (remembrance), as conveyed by Imam Qayyim al-Jawziyya in his work “Al-Wabil al-Sayyib min al-Kalim at-Tayyib” (“The Invocation of God”). The benefits discussed include the following:
(1) Consistent dhikr endows an individual with love for Allah ﷻ. Love is a very powerful means of change, and operating on the basis of love (rather than operating without love, or solely on the basis of fear) causes one to be far more likely to succeed on the journey to Allah ﷻ.
(2) Dhikr facilitates the ability to gauge one’s own deficiencies, which is the first step towards self-reformation. Dhikr shines a light in our hearts and allows us to be vigilant on our shortcomings, thereby permitting us to begin the journey towards ihsan (i.e. to worship Allah ﷻ as if we see Him).
(3) Dhikr predisposes the servant to turn back to Allah ﷻ in all circumstances, so that in the face of trials and tribulation, Allah ﷻ becomes our shelter; in the face of sin, we are quick to turn back to Him in repentance; and at all times, our hearts are directed towards Him akin to a spiritual qibla.
Previous article(Part 1) Session 1 – Why Remember Allah?
Next article(Part 1) Session 3 – Qurb (Nearness), Haybah, and Nourishment