Over the course of life we take many examinations, with the answers we give to the questions having potentially serious implications. And, the more weight that an exam has for our future, the more anxiety it brings forth. The most important exam we will ever take, however, will only be comprised of three simple questions: (1) “Who is your Lord?” (2) “What is your way of life?” and (3) “Who is the man that brought you the message?” This examination will be administered in our graves by two angels, Munkar and Nakeer, and will be the most weighty exam we ever take, as the answers to these questions will determine our eternity. Uthman bin Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, would weep profusely anytime he would be near a grave. When asked why, he would explain that he heard the Prophet ﷺ say that the grave is the first stage in the stages of the hereafter, and if an individual is saved from the difficulties of the grave the rest will become easy, but if an individual fails the encounter in the grave the rest will become difficult. The Prophet ﷺ then said that he had not seen a sight more dreadful than that of the grave.
The reality is that all of us will face death, and it could happen at any time and in any place. This world is merely a deception — when one thinks logically, it makes far more sense to put one’s effort into receiving a positive outcome for eternity than for the short period of time on this earth. To prepare for the grave, we should spend some time envisioning ourselves in the grave, should take every opportunity to participate in the funeral prayers of others, and should regularly dedicate time our day for solitude away from the connections of this world.
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