Allah ﷻ states that the earth and what is in it has been made attractive for the human being as a test. When the heart is attached to the world, the limbs follow suit and occupy themselves in rectifying the world for their own comfort. However, we are only to use the world as a rest stop rather than a permanent abode. This concept is embodied in an analogy given by Imam Ghazali, wherein he likens the straight path to a journey by ship and likens the world to an island brimming with charms and harms. The wise ones are completely focused: they merely relieve themselves and reboard the ship without weighing themselves down with island souvenirs or dallying long enough to be eaten by predators. Our goal is to love Allah ﷻ and know Allah ﷻ, as much as can be known, before we meet Him. This love and knowledge cannot exist in our heart unless it is free from other than Allah ﷻ. As believers who fully attest to the reality of the Hereafter, it is the pinnacle of foolishness if we find solace in this world. We thank Allah ﷻ for placing us in this world and allowing us to benefit from what is necessary and fruitful, being cautious not to attach our hearts to it.

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