

Remember Allah, Be Shaded by Allah

Even a moment spent in the remembrance of Allah ﷻ is sufficient to obtain His everlasting love and acceptance.

Nisbah – A Lasting Connection

The goal on the path to purifying the soul is to attain a lasting connection with Allah ﷻ.

Late Night Session 5 – Spiritual Blindness & Deafness

Our love for things that have no reality or permanence blinds and deafens us from the true realities of existence.

Late Night Session 4 – Opening Our Hearts to Allah

The knowledge of Allah ﷺ encompasses the vastness of the universe, the minutiae of quantum physics, and even the most hidden of matters: the content of our hearts.

Late Night Session 3 – Two Requests

Two tangible hopes that envelop us within the last ten days of Ramadan include acceptance of any conceivable wish we have on our journey to Allah ﷻ and freedom from the hellfire.

The Key to Happiness

Happiness is a quality of the soul, and is attained by nourishing the soul with the remembrance of Allah ﷻ.

Late Night Session 2 – The Anatomy of Crying

There are many reasons why tears can be shed, but our hope is that tears shed for the sake of Allah ﷻ will prevent any difficulty or punishment falling upon us in the hereafter.

Late Night Session 1 – I’tikaf: A Detox for the Soul

I’tikaf is a circumstance designed to free ourselves from the addiction of the love of the world so that we are able to attach ourselves to the everlasting love of Allah ﷻ.

Purification and Advancement through Difficulty

Summary Statement: Difficulties are sent by Allah ﷻ to believers as means of purification and advancement.

Submitting Our Resume

A believer’s book of deeds is continuously being written, and hence, one must ensure that this book is worthy of being submitted to Allah ﷻ on the Day of Judgement.

Progressing Through Service

Among the most notable qualities of the Prophet ﷺ was his dedication to service; if we desire to attain nearness to Allah ﷻ, we must adopt this same quality into our lives.