Stinginess refers to one not liking to spend wealth for the sake of Allah ﷻ even if one has it. The individual hoards his or her wealth and is uncomfortable giving it away. This is a cause of destruction in the Hereafter. One must give in charitable causes liberally and freely, as this is a feature of the people of Paradise. The one who gives to a good cause for the sake of Allah ﷻ never decreases in wealth; rather, it is returned to him or her in this life and is a cause of much benefit in the Hereafter. The way to treat the disease of stinginess and love of wealth includes recognizing the destruction for the stingy person in the afterlife and that wealth does not follow one to the grave. A person should also force themselves to spend for the sake of Allah ﷻ and not cease to do so until it becomes a habit.

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