Among the most powerful forces in the universe is the force of love. It is love that drives a human being to undergo extreme sacrifices. An example of this is the love that a mother has for her child; the sacrifices she is willing to make for her child would otherwise be unfathomable, but her love for her child drives her to do so, without any hesitancy or expectation. As Muslims, if we desire to make sacrifices for our deen, then our focus should be on developing a deep love for Allah ﷻ in our hearts. This will, in turn, allow us to make consistent and meaningful strides in our deen. If our heart is devoid of His ﷻ love, then our actions will simply be motions, our responsibilities merely a burden. But, if we were to fall in love with Allah ﷻ, then all of the sacrifices would become pleasurable. We should all reflect on the state of our hearts and on the depth of our love for Allah ﷻ.

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