It is mentioned in the Qur’an: “Verily Allah is with those that are God fearing.” In his book, Ibn Qayyim (RA) writes that Allah is with the one who remembers Him. The word ‘with’ is defined as a ‘special relationship of proximity, friendship, love, help, and accord.’ It is not to be defined as a physical association. Rather, it is a state where Allah ﷻ is by one’s side at all times. This state is acquired by constantly remembering Allah ﷻ. The act of remembering Allah ﷻ in a collective gathering is far more superior than remembering Him ﷻ individually. An indication of how beloved these gatherings are to Allah ﷻ is His forgiveness of even those who were not intending to attend and just stumbled upon it. The Angels who are specific to the job of searching for such gatherings relay to Allah ﷻ what His servants seek from Him: Paradise and refuge from the Hellfire. Allah the Almighty grants them this.

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