One category of individuals that will be shaded under the throne of Allah ﷻ on the Day of Judgement is those who shed tears in His remembrance while in solitude. This statement of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ teaches us several valuable principles. First, it only takes a moment of remembrance of Allah ﷻ to be accepted by Him. Often, we believe that it is the quantity of an act of worship that will result in our nearness with Allah ﷻ. However, we learn that even a moment remembering Allah ﷻ while shedding a single tear is enough to make our Hereafter.
Secondly, the blessing to be able to remember Allah ﷻ even for a moment is more valuable than the world and all of the treasures it contains, because this single moment of sincerity can result in the eternal acceptance of Allah ﷻ and Paradise. The love of Allah ﷻ and an eternity in Paradise if far more valuable than the world and its treasures.
Finally, we learn that the remembrance, or dhikr, of Allah ﷻ does not have to be in a particular language, something read from a book, or something memorized. Rather it can be as simple as having a conversation with Allah ﷻ just as we would have a conversation with an intimate friend. One of our goals is to feel so comfortable with Allah ﷻ so that we can bring any need, complaint or concern directly to Him ﷻ.
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