Faith, or iman, rests within the hearts of believers — it is the most valuable possession any human could obtain. Thus, anyone who claims to possess iman will be tested by Allah ﷻ in order to verify this claim. As the Qur’an explains, all believers of the past had their faith tested, as will every believer to come. These tests will come in various forms: tribulations, adversity, or even expectations placed on a believer by Allah ﷻ commensurate with his or her capacity. At times we may feel that we alone are tested, and that others in our surroundings move through life comfortably, however this is a deception, as no human being, let alone believer, is spared from tests. When a believer is faced with a test, irrespective of its nature and form, the response should always be to show patience and turn back to Allah ﷻ .

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