It is unfortunate that today’s Muslim fails to see the significance of incorporating dhikr into his or her daily life. The practice that sustained and strengthened the Muslim ummah for centuries is starkly absent from our everyday lives. We ‘perform’ dhikr when it is convenient for our schedules. Other aspects of our daily routine, such as earning a living and attending school, are diligently carried out. Yet missing from that very routine is the regular and consistent performance of dhikr. Consequently, the Muslim ummah is suffering. Through daily dhikr we will be able to deeply connect with Allah ﷻ, and through that connection we will be able to lift out of our struggles. Therefore, it is important to establish a set quantity for our daily dhikr. These should be derived from the sunnah of our Prophet ﷺ. Additionally, a daily dhikr routine should be diverse and not have simply one form of dhikr. Every routine of dhikr should include: reciting a set amount of Qur’an; performing istighfar (seeking forgiveness) while reflecting and being remorseful of our sins; sending a fixed number of salawat on the Prophet ﷺ; reciting the daily sunnah du’as which were recited by the Prophet ﷺ and serve as points of remembrance of Allah ﷻ throughout the day; practicing muraqabah, or self-reflecting in silence for a number of minutes. A person should also be frequenting the masjid for daily salahs and prioritizing the attendance of gatherings where Allah ﷻ is remembered. This essential element allows one to reset oneself and refocus on Allah ﷻ. By formulating and consistently following such a routine, we will reap the benefits in this life and the Hereafter.

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