Nearly everything in this world has a limit and is eventually disposed of when it has outlived its worth. The sole exception, however, is our souls. Despite the transgression and damage that human beings do their own souls throughout the year, Allah ﷻ out of His infinite mercy, grants the believer the chance to restore their soul — particularly in the Night of Power, or Laylat-ul Qadr. For the person that stands in worship on the Night of Power, Allah ﷻ forgives their entire lifetime of sins and completely refreshes their soul. The Night of Power, as stated in the Qur’an, is better than a thousand months. Just from one night of worship, Allah ﷻ is granting the believer the opportunity to earn over 83 years of reward — an opportunity that is unfathomable for matters of this life.
Interestingly, Allah ﷻ revealed the exact date of the Night of Power to the Prophet ﷺ, yet when he went out to inform the Companions of this information, the Prophet ﷺ came upon two Companions who were arguing — in this moment, Allah ﷻ removed the knowledge of the Night of Power from the Prophet ﷺ. From, this we learn that arguments and quarrels strip away the mercy of Allah ﷻ thereby removing opportunities of reward and forgiveness.
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, asked the Prophet ﷺ what one should ask for if they happen to find the Night of Power — the Prophet ﷺ instructed that one should ask: “Oh Allah, You are the Forgiving, and You love to forgive, so forgive me.”
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