The Mother of the Believers, A’isha, reports on one night that the Prophet ﷺ remained in a state of prostration during his prayer much longer than normal. Out of her concern, A’isha gently moved the toe of the Prophet ﷺ to make sure he was okay, and the Prophet subtly moved it back, which comforted A’isha. While in this prostration, the Prophet ﷺ was saying to Allah ﷻ: “I seek refuge in Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I seek refuge in You from You… I am not able to praise You the way You deserve to be praised.” In this private moment with Allah ﷻ, the Prophet ﷺ is admitting his complete dependence on the mercy of Allah, despite him ﷺ being free of sin.


Upon completing his prayer, the Prophet ﷺ informed A’isha that this night was the fifteenth night of Sha’baan and on this night Allah ﷻ forgives many of His servants. There are many narrations in which the Prophet ﷺ discusses the merits of this special night. We should try our best to develop a deep, personal relationship with Allah ﷻ, and maximize the benefit of special moments like the fifteenth night of Sha’baan.
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