Allah ﷻ has blessed us with moments which make up time and, as believers, we are left with a choice on how to use these moments. We will be held accountable for what we choose to do or not do. Therefore, we should make decisions to use our time in a manner pleasing to Allah ﷻ. Every given moment brings with it a set of choices, whether to use it in obedience or sin. In order to identify the best decision for a particular moment in time, we should look to the Messenger ﷺ as our example. For instance, when the time for the salah would come in, the Prophet ﷺ would leave whatever else he was engaged in and immediately direct his attention to the salah. When the time of salah comes in for us, we too should choose to turn our attention entirely toward it, pray it on time, and pray it in the masjid or in congregation if possible.
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