In the Qur’an, Allah ﷻ uses rhetorical questions as powerful figures of speech to place emphasis and elicit reflection. The rhetorical questions that Allah ﷻ asks in relation to Himself are especially powerful, as they drive us to reflect on the state of our relationship with Him. For example, He asks: “Oh mankind, what has seduced you away from your generous Lord?”, causing the believer to ponder over their inner state and on what has taken their focus away from Him. Everything in this world that has been created by Allah ﷻ is temporary, and we will ultimately have to leave it all and return to Him; nothing is worthy of attention than Him. In another place, Allah ﷻ describes the vastness and magnificence of His creation in verse after verse in the Qur’an — from the earth we stand on, to the flowing rivers, to the stillness of the mountains — and asks us: “Is there a Lord other than Allah?”, forcing the believer to reflect on where they have been directing their love and fervor. He also asks: “Is Allah not sufficient for His servant?”, making the believer consider where they have been placing their reliance. These verses are powerful reminders for the believer, and encourage reflection on His attributes and the need to further develop one’s relationship with Him.
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