In the Qur’an, Allah ﷻ mentions the Day of the Covenant. On that day, all human souls were gathered on the Plain of Arafah and asked by Allah, “Am I not your Lord?” Every soul replied, “Of course.” On that day, we all made a promise to Allah that we would worship Him alone and make Him the focus of our lives. Allah sent Revelation and messengers repeatedly to remind human beings of the covenant taken on that day, so there would be no excuse of forgetting. On the Day of Arafah, the hujjaj travel to the Plain of Arafah, where they remember this covenant and renew their promise to Allah. The opportunity to recommit is not restricted only to the hujjaj, however. Every believer has the opportunity to earn the benefits of this day by having their sins of the previous and forthcoming years forgiven by fasting, engaging in du’a and dhikr, and, most importantly, rekindling their covenant with Allah.
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