One of the unique qualities of Allah ﷻ is His forbearance toward His creation. It is rare to find this quality in human beings. When we are mistreated by another, it is a difficult task for us to forgive, and if we do, it is with some hesitation. However, Allah ﷻ readily forgives our sins when we turn to Him. One primary example of this is Hajj. Many delay performing the Hajj until later in their lives, accumulating years of sins in the meantime. Yet, Allah ﷻ is happy that they came and is ready to forgive them despite this delay. Another example of His forbearance is His guidance to many Companions despite their mistreatment of the Prophet ﷺ before accepting Islam. Moreover, in our everyday lives, Allah ﷻ is ready and willing to forgive our sins as soon as we turn back to him. We must always remain grateful to Allah ﷻ for His forbearance and never take it for granted.
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