As human beings we carry many different titles, and there is always a responsibility or definition that comes with each title. One title we claim to carry is that of a believer — but what does that entail? In the Qur’an, Allah ﷻ has listed five qualities that a true believer possesses. Firstly, when Allah ﷻ is mentioned, their hearts are filled with awe of Allah and His magnificence, and there is a perceivable change in the heart. Secondly, whenever the verses of Qur’an are recited, the believer’s iman increases. The third quality is that the believer has complete trust and reliance on Allah ﷻ. The fourth is that a true believer is someone who has firmly established their prayer. And the fifth quality is they spend in the path of Allah ﷻ from what He has provided for them. This is the universal definition of a believer, and it applies to every single person who claims to believe, and must be the goal of one’s lifelong journey. We must ask ourselves: do I fit the criteria of a true believer?
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