The Hajj began with the Prophet Ibrahim ﷺ; Allah ﷻ commanded Ibrahim to invite mankind to Hajj, and this call has endured, reverberated and succeeded throughout time and space — millions of people throughout the world respond to the invitation of Hajj every year, and this has occurred for thousands of years. How is this possible? What allowed the call of Ibrahim ﷺ to be so successful? The secret was his sincerity and obedience to Allah ﷻ — despite their having been no one around Ibrahim ﷺ to hear his invitation to Hajj, Ibrahim ﷺ still stood up and called, solely because Allah ﷻ had commanded him to do so. Because of this sincere obedience, Allah ﷻ accepted the effort of Ibrahim ﷺ and spread its effect throughout time and space. When a believer follows the commands of Allah ﷻ with immediacy and sincerity — for no one’s sake but His — Allah ﷻ grants them acceptance and success. We lack independent power to succeed in our efforts, and are completely dependant on the power and help of Allah ﷻ. But if we remain sincere and obedient to Allah ﷻ, He will take care of the rest.

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