When an individual begins to physically mature, their literacy increases, and they become able to read the signs of this world. Similarly, as a person spiritually matures, they learn how to read the signs of Allah ﷻ. Allah ﷻ says in the Qur’an, “Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the changing between the night and the day, are signs for those people of excellence.” The signs of Allah ﷻ are abundant and everywhere. Everything that we interact with, that we see, that we touch is from Allah ﷻ. The spiritually mature individual is able to recognize, understand and appreciate these signs, and understands that this whole world belongs to Allah ﷻ. However, a spiritually immature individual is fixated and focused on outward cause and effect, thinking that everything that happens is a result of what is directly in front of them. If we leave this world as people of spiritual immaturity, we will certainly be at a loss in the Hereafter. On the Day of Judgement, when we finally recognize how caught up we were in the perceived realities of this world, Allah ﷻ will remind us that He was the one in charge of the world.

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