When an individual decides to commit to something, their goal is to achieve excellence in that commitment. As believers, we have also entered into a commitment with Allah ﷻ by accepting and submitting to the oneness of Allah. Allah ﷻ tells us in the Qur’an that we should enter into this commitment, i.e. the deen, completely and wholeheartedly. The sign a person has entered into the deen completely is that it no longer becomes a burden for them to follow the commands or avoid the prohibitions from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Rather, the responsibilities of the deen become a pleasure for an individual to practice. If a person desires to take this commitment seriously, they must have two habits: being consistent in their dhikr of Allah, and spending time in the company of the teachers of this deen who have achieved excellence through the company of their teachers of deen, with this chain going all the way back to the Prophet ﷺ. These habits together help an individual become committed to Allah ﷻ.

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