Human beings use analogies to describe concepts that otherwise would not be able to be communicated, such as pain, love, and even quantities. In the descriptions of Jannah, or Paradise, the Prophet ﷺ also used analogies. In one instance, the Prophet ﷺ described a tree in Jannah as being so wide that if a swift horse were to run past it, it would take the horse one hundred years to cover the distance. If this is just the size of a tree in Jannah, imagine how vast Jannah itself must be! The Prophet ﷺ also explained that the last person allowed to enter Jannah will be granted a space that is ten times the size of the earth. These analogies were used by the Prophet ﷺ to describe Jannah due to the inability of the human mind to comprehend its reality — it is something no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can comprehend, and no calculator could compute. Even the pleasures of Jannah are such that they are ineffable and everlasting. Then, after these rewards are given to the inhabitants of Jannah, it will be asked of them: “is there anything else you would like?”, to which the people of Jannah will respond in the negative, claiming there is absolutely nothing else they could even fathom of desiring. At that point, the greatest blessing will be given to the people of Jannah: the ability to witness Allah ﷻ.
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