There is a tremendous amount of blessing and reward in the month of Ramadan. From the Qur’an and sunnah of the Prophet ﷻ, we find ten actions that can help us maximize the benefit of this month. Firstly, to perform the suhoor, or the morning meal before Fajr prayer, as it is a source of blessing. Secondly, to perform the iftar, or the evening meal in which a person opens their fast. The third beneficial action is to facilitate the iftar for others, either by feeding people ourselves or sponsoring food for others. The fourth recommended action is to recite the Qur’an frequently, as this is the month of the Qur’an. The fifth action is to give charity abundantly. The sixth encouraged action is to perform the taraweeh prayer, which is a special sunnah prayer for the month of Ramadan — this prayer can be performed in congregation or even by oneself. The seventh recommend act is to perform as much tahajjud, or late night prayer, as possible. The eighth action is to perform i’tikaf, which is a sunnah of the Prophet ﷻ where he would spend the last ten days and nights of Ramadan secluded in the masjid. The ninth encouraged act is to seek Laylat-ul Qadr, or the night of power, which is a night that is worth more than a thousand months of worship. And the final encouraged action is to give the Sadaqat-ul Fitr, which is a special charity the Prophet ﷻ encouraged to give to the poor before Eid al-Fitr, so those less fortunate can also enjoy the day of Eid.

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