The ultimate goal of tasawwuf, or spirituality, is to please Allah ﷻ. Secondarily is the goal of purifying the heart, as our hearts will be presented to Allah ﷻ on the Day of Judgement. This can be challenging since there are various illnesses of the heart. Certain diseases are easier to identify than others when we are looking at our own hearts, and some require the assistance of someone that can help monitor our progress and give feedback. Another goal within the science of purifying the soul is creating a desire within the heart to perform good deeds. A person who focuses on Allah ﷻ and dhikr performs good deeds with pleasure instead of as a burden. An additional goal is that the love of Allah ﷻ is fostered within the heart. The sign a person is achieving these goals and is progressing along the path of tasawwuf is that the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ enter into their life.

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