Every person desires to achieve the pinnacle of success in whatever they do and be amongst the elite in their field. Whether that be a scientist who spends years dedicated to research with the ultimate goal of becoming a Nobel Laureate, a clothing designer who aims to see his brand on billboards and his logo on attire around the world, or an athlete who desires to be part of the All-Star team, each person aims to be amongst the foremost. Allah ﷻ describes the All-Stars of the deen as ulul-albaab (people of understanding), with two key qualifiers: (1) People who remember Allah ﷻ constantly, in all states, conditions, and circumstances, and (2) People who deeply reflect on the creation of the universe and all that it contains — from the creatures at the very bottom of the ocean, to the galaxies that are light-years away, to the complex microenvironments in our cells. In order to maximize our potential and achieve pinnacles in this deen, like the Companions did, we should adopt these two — engaging in dhikr abundantly and reading the signs of Allah ﷻ all around us. By doing so, we will then develop true conviction and become amongst the elite of creation.

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